Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Ok, I'm usually a big fan of Wendy's, but they are getting on my nerves lately. Has anyone seen the commercial they have where they play the song that is played by ice cream trucks? I have seen it probably over 100 times. Now, granted, I probably should not be watching that much TV, but do they really need to play it during EVERY commercial break? The song (the ice cream truck song) that used to be a four alarm signal to pure joy now grates on my nerves and gets stuck in my head.
How do YOU feel about it?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thing 3

There were a lot of good ideas for using a blog for my classroom. I like the idea of writing good ideas that I get from staff development because I always get ideas and then forget them the next week. I would also like to feature students' work, share ideas for parents to try with their kids and just share about what is going on in the classroom in general. I might also put surveys and polls on the blog for students and parents to fill out. I could post stuff about classroom parties and ask students to pick the theme, what they want to eat, etc. I think everyone just needs to get more used to doing things online and with my Kindergartners I want to start right away and help their parents help them.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thing 2

Wow, this was an involved task. Setting up the blog was so easy. Then I went to do the avatar and had a real time with it. I made the avatar ok, but I never could export it. I finally had to download it to my desktop and post it on the blog that way. This course is going to be a lot of fun--it's good for me to have to do something like this because I don't know that I would get around to it or be able to do it on my own. I feel pretty cool having my own blog and avatar. :)

Thing 1

The 7 1/2 habits surprised me. It was not all of the habits that I was expecting, but I think they are good. I think the hardest habit for me is beginning with an end in mind. I am not good at planning. My mind goes so many places at once--it is hard for me to focus on one goal at a time. I'm glad this class is broken down into tasks. :) I think that the easiest habit for me is play. I like to mess around with things (especially on the computer) until I figure them out. I'm looking forward to playing during this class and during the summer. I am excited about setting up a face book and using the image sites. I love using the computer, but there is so much more I want to learn about the internet and how to use it in my classroom.