Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well, I got kind of scared that I wouldn’t finish, but it feels really good and exciting to know that I finally am!! A few of my favorite discoveries from 23 things were Image Chef, learning about RSS feeds, iGoogle, and animoto. These were all things I just did not know anything about. This program has affected my learning goals as far as spurring me on to learn about as much as I can and learning about a whole new area—the internet. It’s kind of like that saying “The more you learn the more you realize how little you know”. I would really like to continue learning about wiki’s and try to set one up at least for the Kindergarten team at my school. There were a lot of things that surprised me. I’ve gotten a lot of friends back through facebook, I’ve started a blog and learned how to put fun images in it, and I’ve learned about all these cool organizational tools for me and the internet.
The only thing I would improve upon for the format is to make certain things due at certain times. However, I would want that mostly because I am bad about procrastinating, and I did a lot of the things at the very end. I think I would have gone into more depth on some of the things if I had spread out my time a little better. I would definitely participate if there was another discovery exercise like this. It’s really good and fun for me to learn through exploration and do it at my own speed. This class will influence my teaching in a lot of ways especially in the area of communication and collaboration. The more I put out there for the students, the parents of my students, and the people I work with the more things will develop and improve. I have already gained a whole lot of ideas, and I haven’t even gotten to share with my team and get their feedback yet. It will also help me to be more organized. Like I said above, from here I want to continue learning about wikis and all of the tools used for wikis, and I would really like to continue my blog. In the beginning of our learning, one idea I found was to write down cool ideas you find in your blog, so you can go back and use them. I think I am going to be able to do that now, but I would like to continue adding to my ideas in the future. I also plan on keeping up with my rss feeds and I want to find even more that I can add to my feed. I see a whole lot of good coming from this class—not just 23 things but infinite possibilities.

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